BSc Nursing Previous year Question Paper PDF

BSc Nursing Previous year Question Paper

BSc Nursing Previous year Question Paper, Also download its PDF Version from the Link given in this Post, BSc Nursing Entrance Paper, Nursing Entrance test paper, BSc Nursing old question papers.

1). Trisomic Condition of Down’s Syndrome
arises due to:
A. Triploidy
B. Crossing Over
C. Non-disjunction
D. Dicentric bridge formation

2). Which of the following experiments
suggests that living organisms
simplest could not have originated
spontaneously from non-living matter?
A. Meat was not spoiled when heated and kept sealed in a vessel
B. Microbes did not appear in stored meat
C. Microbes appeared from unsterilized organic matter
D. Larvae could appear in decaying organic matter

3). The evolution of similar characters in genetically
unrelated species as they are subjected to similar
environmental selective pressure is
A. Homoplasy
B. Heteroplasy
C. Adaptive radiation
D. Adaptation

4). Given: 1 = natural selection; 2 = variations and their
Inheritance; 3 = survival of the fittest; 4 = struggle for existence.
According to Darwinism, which of the following represents the correct
The sequence of events in the origin of new species?
A. 3,4,1,2
B. 2,3,1,4
C. 1,2,3,4
D. 4,2,3,1

5). The correct sequence of stages in the
The evolution of the modern man(Homo sapiens) is
A. Homo erects, Australopithecus, Neanderthal man, Cro-magnon man, modern man
B. Neanderthal man, Australopithecus, cro-magnon man, homo erectus, modern man
C. Australopithecus, Neanderthal man, Cro-magnon man, Homo erectus, modern man
D. Australopithecus, Homo erectus, Neanderthal man, cro-magnon man, modern man

6). Viral diseases have no cure because
A. Viruses have no cell wall
B. Viruses can multiply repeatedly within the host cell
C. Presence of capsid
D. Viruses Possess no cytoplasm

7). In lac insect the lac is produced from
A. Abdominal Glands
B. Dermal Glands
C. Salivary Glands
D. None of the Above

8). Compare the statements A and B
Statement A: Ranikhet disease is the disease of poultry.
Statement B: It is caused by a virus
Select the Correct description
A. Statement A is wrong and B is correct
B. Both statements A and B are wrong
C. Both statements A and B are correct
D. Statement A is correct and B is wrong

9). Technique of production of monoclonal antibodies was developed by
A. Fredrich Miescher
B. Bentham and Hooker
C. Milstein and Kohler
D. Watson and Crick

10). Smoking addiction is harmful because it produces
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which cause
A. Cancer
B. Increase in Blood pressure
C. Reduction in Oxyden
D. Retardation of growth of the foetus

11). Asexual reproductive structure of Hydra is
A. Gemmule
B. Bud
C. Conidia
D. None of the above

12). Which one of the following is not a primary egg membrane?
A. Vitelline membrane
B. Albuminous jelly
C. Jelly envelope
D. Zona pellucid

13). Both corpus luteum and macula lutea are
A. Found in human ovaries
B. A source of the hormone
C. Characterized by a yellow colour
D. Contributory in maintaining pregnancy

14). Correct sequence of hormone secretion from
The beginning of menstruation is
A. FSH, Progesterone, Estrogen
B. Estrogen, FSH, Progesterone
C. FSH, Estrogen, Progesterone
D. Estrogen, Progesterone, FSH

15). The process of release of spermatozoa from Sertoli cells
into the cavity of the seminiferous tubule is called
A. Spermiogenesis
B. Spermatogenesis
C. Spermatocytogenesis
D. Spermiation

16). Amniocentesis detects
A. Deformity in brain
B. Deformity in heart
C. Hereditary disease
D. All of these

17). Which of the following statements is the most
appropriate for sickle anaemia?
A. lt cannot be treated with iron supplements
B. lt is a molecular disease
C. it confers resistance to acquiring malaria
D. All of the above

18). A family has 5 daughters. The probability of 6th child being a girl will be
A. 1 in 2
B. 1 in 5
C. 1 in 3
D. 1 in 6

19). Which of the following is sex-linked in human beings?
A. Colour blindness
B. Hepatitis
C. Night blindness
D. Malignancy

20). Sex Chromosome X & Y were discovered by
A. Stevens and Wilson
B. Bridges
C. Mc Clung
D. Henking

21). Which of the following traits is not characteristic of amphibians?
A. Thin, scaleless skin
B. Usually requires water for reproduction
C. Amniote eggs
D. Skin is used as a supplementary respiratory organ.

22). Members of class Reptilia are
A. Homoiothermic and Amniotic
B. Homoiothermic & Anamniotic
C. Poikilothermic and Amniotic
D. Poikilothermic and Anamniotic

23). Kaziranga National Park is situated in
A. Assam
B. Orissa
C. Madhya Pradesh
D. Andhra Pradesh

24). The term Protoplasm was coined by
A. Purkinje
B. Dujardin
C. Hugo van Mohl
D. Robert Hook

25). The cell theory was propounded by
A. Mendel
B. Schleiden and Schwann
C. De Breze
D. Darwin

26). Transcription and translation are normally
Involved in
A. Flow of extrinsic information
B. Multiplication of DNA
C. Synthesis of RNA
D. Flow of intrinsic information

27). An Acidic amino acid is
A. Leucine
B. Lysine
C. Aspartic acid
D. Methionine

28). Flagella of prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells differ in
A. Location in cell and mode of functioning
B. Microtubular organization and type of movement
C. MicroTubular organization and functioning
D. Type of movement and placement in cell

29). Cell recognition and adhesion is facilitated by certain
Components of the cell membrane.
These components are generally
A. Proteins and Lipids
B. Glycoproteins and glycolipids
C. Lipids only
D. Proteins only

30). Golgi apparatus takes part in
A. Carbohydrate synthesis
B. Lipid synthesis
C. Protein synthesis
D. Oxidative phosphorylation

31). “Taxonomy without phylogeny is like bones without
flesh” was remarked by
A. John Hutchinson
B. Takhtajan
C. Oswald Tippo
D. Bentham and Hooker

32). What is universal for sponges?
A. Marine
B. Calcareous spicules
C. Radial symmentry
D. High regenerative power

33). The mesogloea is
A. Party cellular and partly fibrous
B. Neither cellular nor fibrous
C. Only fibrous
D. Cellular

34). When cysticerci are present in pork it is called
A. Cysticercosis
B. Bladder worm
C. Hydatid cyst
D. Measly pork

35). The roundworm can be called specialized and not
degenerate with reference to parasitism because
A. It has a thick cuticle over its body which is resistant to the digestive juice of the host
B. It has a straight and uncoiled alimentary canal
C. Respiratory organs are absent
D. It is dioecious

36). Nephridia of earthworm are analogous to
A. Trachea of insects
B. Gills of prawn
C. Nematoblasts of Hydra
D. Flame cells of Dugesia

37). What is common between silverfish,
Scorpion, crab and honey bee?
A. Compound eye
B. Poison gland’
C. Jointed legs
D. Metamorphosis

38). Among the following, an unmatched group is
A. Sea pen, sea fan, coral and swimming bell
B. Cuttle fish, shell fish, devil fish and squid
C. Sea star, sea urchin, sea anemone and sea cow
D. Globe fish, rat fish, gold fish and pipe fish

39). Autotomy is observed in
A. Feather star
B. Starfish
C. Sea Cucumber
D. Starfish and Feather Star

40). The heart of fishes is called venous or branchial heart because
A. The heart sends blood to veins
B. The heart contains only non aerated venous blood
C. The heart contains only aerated venous blood
D. The heart sends aerated blood to gills

41). Which of the following is Lucas reagent?
A. ZnCl2/con HCL
B. Br2/CCL4
C. Ammoniacal silver nitrate
D. Cold Alkaline KMnO4

42). Which one of the following compounds converts
Methyl magnesium Iodide to methane in one step?
A. C2H4
C. C2H5OC2H5

43). The enthalpy of fusion of water is 1.435 kcal/mol.
The molar entropy change for the melting of ice at 0 0C is
A. 5.260cal/(molK)
B. 0.526cal/(molK)
C. 10.52cal/(molK)
D. 21.04cal/molK)

44). Substance which is used to bring down the temperature
in high fever condition are called
A. Antiseptics
B. Anti-Inflammatory
C. Anti-bodies
D. Antipyretics

45). The density (in gmL”1) of a 3.60 M sulphuric acid
the solution that is 29% H2SO4(molar mass=98 g mol-1) by mass will be
A. 1.64
B. 1.88
C. 1.22
D. 1.95

46). In the equation of state of an ideal gas PV=n RT, the value of the
Universal gas constant would depend only on
A. The nature of the gas
B. The pressure of the gas
C. The units of the measurement
D. None of the above

47). The value of ∆H and S of a certain reaction is
-400 kj mol-1 and -20 kj Mol-1 K-1 respectively.
The temperature below which the reaction is spontaneous is
A. 200K
B. 200c
C. 1000K
D. 1200C

48). XeF2 is isostructural with
A. ICl2-
B. SbCl3
C. BaCl2
D. TeF2

49). What amount of dioxygen (in gram) contains 1.8 1022 molecules?
A. 0.0960
B. 0.960
C. 9.60
D. 96.0

50). 10g of hydrogen and 64g of oxygen were filled in a
steel vessel and exploded. The amount of water produced in
this reaction will be
A. 1mol
B. 2mol
C. 3mol
D. 4mol

51). What is the quantity of electricity (in coulombs)
required to deposit all the silver from
250ml of 1 M AgNO3 solution? (Ag=108)
A. 2412.5
B. 24125
C. 4825.0
D. 48250

52). How many EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)
molecules are required to make an
octahedral complex with a Ca2+ ion?
A. Six
B. Three
C. One
D. Two

53). Which of the following types of metals from
The most efficient catalysts?
A. Alkaline earth metals
B. Transition metals
C. Alkali metals
D. All of the above

54). The solubility of Ca3(PC4)2 in water is
Y moles/litre. Its solubility product is
A. 6y4
B. 36y4
C. 64y5
D. 108y5

55). Which of the following is not permissible?
A. n=4, I=3, m=0
B. n=4, I=2, m=1
C. n=4, I=4, m=1
D. n=4, I=0, m=0

56). What should be the correct IUPAC name for
A. 1-Bromo-I, I-diethylmethane
B. 3-Bromopentane
C. 1-Bromo-I-ethypropane
D. 1-Bromopentane

57). Chlorobenzene is formed by the reaction of chlorine
with benzene in the presence of AlCl3.
Which of the following species attacks the
benzene ring in this reaction?
A. Cl-
B. Cl+
C. Alcl3
D. [AlCl4]-

58). Which of the following statements about primary
Amines are ‘False’?
A. Alkylamines are stronger bases than aryl amines
B. Alkyl amines react with nitrous acid to produce alcohols
C. Aryl amines are stronger bases than ammonia
D. Aryl amines react with nitrous acid to produce nitroarenes

59). The correct order of decreasing acid strength of
Tricholoroacetic acid (A), acetic aicd (B) and formic acid (C) is
A. A>B>C
B. A>C>B
C. B>A>C
D. B>C>A

60). In which of the following reactions new
carbon-carbon bond is formed
A. Cannizzaro reaction
B. Wurtz reaction
C. Aldol condensation
D. Friedel-Crafts reaction

61). Which one of the following is a covalent crystal?
A. Ice
B. Rock Salt
C. Dry salt
D. Quartz

62). 2 gm of a radioactive sample having half
life of 15 days was synthesized on 1st Jan 2017.
The amount of the sample left behind on
1st Mar 2017 (Including both the days)
A. 1gm
B. 0.5gm
C. 0gm
D. 0.125gm

63). The rate law for a reaction between the substances
A and B is given by Rate=K [A]n[B]m.
on doubling the concentration of B,
The ratio of the new rate to the earlier rate of reaction will be
A. m+n
B. n+m
C. 2(n-m)
D. I/(2m+n)

64). Bond order of the following molecules is zero?
A. F2
B. O2
C. Be2
D. Li2

65). For the adsorption phenomenon,
A. ∆H = +ve, ∆S = -ve
B. ∆H = -ve, ∆S = +ve
C. ∆H = -ve, ∆S = -ve
D. ∆H = +ve, ∆S = +ve

66). Heterosis is
A. Phenotypic expression of mutations
B. Method of including mutations
C. Superiority of hybrids over their parents
D. A plant Disease

67). Which of the following chemical is mostly
used for protoplast fusion:
A. Polyethene glycol
B. Sodium acetate
C. Sodium chloride
D. Sorbitol

68). The carting capacity of the population is determined by:
A. Growth rate of population
B. Limiting resources
C. Mortality
D. Natality

69). The biogeochemical cycle which is not gaseous is:
A. Phosphorous cycle
B. Carbon cycle
C. Sulphur cycle
D. Nitrogen cycle

70). Conservation within natural habitat is:
A. In-situ conservation
B. Ex-situ conservation
C. In-vitro conservation
D. Micropropagation

71). If a cell is placed in a sugar solution and no
change occurs in it, the external solution is:
A. Isotonic
B. Hypertonic
C. Hypotonic
D. Colloidal

72). In angiosperms, translocation of sugar occurs in the form of:
A. Sucrose
B. Starch
C. Lactose
D. Glucose

73). Which of the following plant hormone
stimulates growth in internodes?
A. Auxins
B. Gibberellins
C. Cytokinin
D. Abscisic acid

74). Embryo sac develops from:
A. Microspore
B. Megaspore
C. Zygote
D. Funiculus

75). Formation of seedless fruits is called:
A. Parthenocarpy
B. Parthenogenesis
C. Fertilization
D. Geitonogamy

76). The ratio of tall plants in a cross between
heterozygous tall plants and dwarf plants will be:
A. 50%
B. 25%
C. 75%
D. 100%

77). Codon is made up of:
A. Singel nucleotide
B. Two nucleotides
C. Three nucleotides
D. Four nucleotides

78). The enzyme which joins Okazaki fragments is
A. DNA ligase
B. DNA polymerase II
C. RNA polymerase
D. Reverse transcriptase

79). Cheese is produced by:
A. Fermentation
B. Hydrolysis
C. Dehydration
D. All of the above

80). Ethanol is commercially produced by using species of :
A. Alternaria
B. Candida
C. Saccharomyces
D. Puccinia

81). Which of the following are called stone cells?
A. Sclereids
B. Parenchyma
C. Collenchymas
D. Chlorenchyma

82). Which of the following is not correct?
A. Diffusion is a passive process
B. No energy expenditure occurs during diffusion
C. Diffusion is dependent on the living system
D. Diffusion rates are affected by gradient of concentration

83). Which of the following is correct for active transport?
A. It does not require special
B. It is not selective
C. It operates without using energy
D. It results in uphill transport

84). How many electrons are released from water
to release one molecule of oxygen during photosynthesis
A. Four
B. Six
C. Two
D. One

85). Apical dominance occurs due to:
A. Auxins
B. Cytokinins
C. Gibberellins
D. Abscisic acid

86). The innermost layer of anther is
A. Endothecium
B. Exothecium
C. Tapetum
D. Stomium

87). When pistils are fused together, it is called
A. Syncarpous
B. Apocarpous
C. Multicarpellary
D. Monocarpellary

88). To identify whether an organism exhibiting a
dominant trait is homozygous or heterozygous
for a specific allele, which cross is performed?
A. Dihybrid cross
B. Test cross
C. Back cross
D. Back cross
E. None of the above

89). Cork cambium is also called
A. Phellem
B. Phelloderm
C. Periderm
D. Phellogen

90). The force which exists between the walls of
xylem vessels and water is:
A. Adhesion
B. Cohesion
C. Surface tension
D. Capillary force

91). The correct sequence in taxonomic classification is:
A. Class-family-order-genus-species
B. Class-order-family-genus-species
C. Order-family-class-genus-species
D. Class-family-order-genus-species

92). Heterotrophic fungi which absorb soluble
organic matter from dead substrates are called
A. Saprophytes
B. Parasites
C. Symbionts
D. Autotrophs

93). Name ‘virus’ was coined by
A. Huxley
B. Robert Hook
C. Lvanowsky
D. Beijernick

94). Viroid consists of:
C. Carbohydrate
D. Protein

95). Food is stored as mannitol and laminarin in
A. Rhodophyceace
B. Chlorophyceace
C. Phaeophyceace
D. Chlamydomonas

96). Which of the following statements regarding
bryophytes are not correct?
A. The main body of bryophyte is haploid
B. Antheridia develop on the main body
C. The main body is sporophyte
D. Sporophyte draws nutrition from the gametophyte

97). In mosses protonema is
A. The last stage of gametophyte
B. The first stage of gametophyte
C. The leafy stage of moss
D. Does not exist in the moss life cycle

98). Diplontic life cycle is present in:
A. Gymnosperms
B. Angiosperms
C. Volvox
D. Both ‘1’ and ‘2’

99). Fascicular vascular cambium is
A. A lateral meristem
B. Apical meristem
C. Also called cork cambium
D. A permanent tissue

100). Which of the following are living cells?
A. Vessels
B. Tracheids
C. Xylem fibres
D. Xylem parenchyma

BSc Nursing Previous year question Paper PDF, Download Nursing Entrance old paper.

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JKBOPEE BSc Nursing Previous Year Question papers PDF

JKBOPEE Previous year Question Papers

JKBOPEE BSc Nursing Previous Year Question papers PDF, Download the BSc Nursing, BSC Technology, and BSc Paramedical Previous year entrance question paper.

BOPEE Nursing Old papers available, download the PDF from here and start your preparation.

Tentative Schedule of B.Sc. Nursing /Post Basic BSc Nursing Courses – 2023

S. No.DescriptionDate
1.Date of filling up of application forms1 April 2023
2.Last date of filling up of application forms03 May 2023
3.Downloading of Admit cards02 June 2023
4.Date of Conduct of Examination11 June 2023
5.Declaration of ResultShall be notified separately
8.Counseling Scheduleshall be notified separately
9.Completion of the Admission processJuly 2023

JKBOPEE Previous year Entrance Papers

BSc Nursing, BSc Paramedical, and BSc Technology last year question paper available here download from the LINK given below.

Previous year Question paper

JKBOPEE BSc Nursing Syllabus

Bopee BSc Nursing Admit Card:

Download B.Sc. Nursing Admit Card

  • Admit Card for JKBOPEE BSc Nursing, BSc Para Medical, and BSc Technology.
  • No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Test Centre/venue without a valid Admit Card in the original.
  • Admit cards can be downloaded within the prescribed date.
  • The Admit Cards are available online. The candidates are advised to download their Admit Cards from the link below.

GMC Jammu becomes first hospital in J&K to perform successful kidney transplant

GMC Jammu becomes first hospital in J&K to perform successful kidney transplant 1

Jammu: In a significant development Government Medical College Jammu has become the first in Jammu and Kashmir to successfully perform kidney transplant.

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha while announcing the development on his official Twitter handle, congratulated the team of doctors and nursing staff for the feat.

“GMC, Jammu has become the first medical college in the UT to successfully perform kidney transplant.

Many congratulations to the team of doctors & nursing staff for this path-breaking achievement, ” the LG wrote on Twitter.

GMC Jammu Recruitment 2022 for various posts, Apply now

GMC Jammu

GMC Jammu and Its Associated Hospital Recruitment 2022: Applications are invited as per Performs from eligible candidates of Jammu Division only for engagement on Academic Arrangement Basis under SRO 24 (Now SO 364 dated 27.11.2020) against the following vacant posts in Govt. Medical College, Jammu & its Associated Hospitals against the newly created post for State Cancer Institute (SCI) at Super Specialty Hospital, Jammu for a period of one year extendable upto maximum of six years (One year at a time and further extension subject to good performance and conduct) or till the posts are filled on substantive basis in accordance with Rules of Recruitment governing the posts, whichever is earlier.

Vacancy Details of GMC and Its Associated Hospital Recruitment 2022:

1. Anaesthesia Asstt: 01 Post
Salary: Rs.25,500-81,100
2. Jr. Lab. Asstt.: 04 Posts
Salary: Rs.25,500-81,100
3. X-Ray Asstt: 03 Posts
Salary: Rs.25,500-81,100
4. Theatre Asstt.: 01 Post
Salary: Rs.25,500-81,100
5. Pharmacist: 02 Posts
Salary: Rs.25,500-81,100
6. Jr. Grade Nurse: 22 Posts
Salary: Rs.25,500-81,100
7. Physiotherapist: 01 Posts
Salary: Rs.35,400-1,12,400
8. ECG Tech: 01 Post
Salary: Rs.25,500-81,100

Eligibility Criteria GMC Jammu Recruitment 2022:

  • Anesthesia Asstt: 10+2 with science or above with Diploma or Degree in Anesthesia Technology course.
  • Jr. Lab. Asstt.: 10+2 with science or above with Diploma or Degree in MLT.
  • X-Ray Asstt: 10+2 with science or above with Diploma or Degree in X-Ray/ Radiology Course.
  • Theatre Asstt.: 10+2 with science or above with Diploma or Degree in Operation Theatre Technology Course.
  • Pharmacist: 10+2 with science or above with Diploma in Medical Assistant or Pharmacist trg.
  • Jr. Grade Nurse: Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery / BSc Nursing
  • Physiotherapist: 10+2 with Diploma or Degree in Physiotherapist.
  • ECG Tech: 10+2 or above with Diploma in ECG.

Where to Apply for GMC and Its Associated Hospital Recruitment 2022:

Application as per prescribed format should be deposited through registered/speed post / personally and should reach to the office of Personnel Officer, Associated Hospitals of Government Medical College, Jammu by or before 16.05.2022.

Documents to be attached along with application form:

  • Date of Birth Certificate.
  • Qualification certificate (Academic & Technical). (Mark sheets of all years/semesters).
  • Category Certificate, if any.
  • Registration Certificate from J&K Para Medical Council.
  • Domicile Certificate of J&K.

The application form can be downloaded from the website of GMC, Jammu i.e.


GMC Jammu invites Applications from Class IV employees for Type Test Examination 2022

GMC Srinagar Disengages 93 Paramedical Staff with Immediate Effect

Applications are invited from all the desirous Class-lV employees, working in
Govt’ Medical College and its Associated Hospitals, Jammu who have complete(there
05 years of service along with satisfactory probation period, by or before 13-04-2022) in
the office of the undersigned, for appearing in the type test.

The applications should be duly forwarded and recommended with satisfactory
work and conduct, by the concerned Controlling officers accompanied with a copy of
Probation clearance order.

Any application received beyond the due date i,e. 03-04-2022 shall not be
entertained/considered in any manner for appearing in said test.

COVID Hospital Srinagar conducted over 8000 Lab tests and 1000 X Rays

COVID Hospital Srinagar conducted over 8000 Lab tests and 1000 X Rays 2

Created under PM Care’s initiative and equipped with modern oxygen and intensive care, Srinagar’s DRDO COVID-19 hospital has so far admitted 500 COVID patients, officials said.

Government of India under PM Care’s initiative created two DRDO Hospitals one each at Jammu and Srinagar.

The DRDO Srinagar was inaugurated by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha of J&K on 9th of June 2021 and from 15th of June admissions were started. Medical Superintendent of the hospital, Dr Rasheed Para said the hospital has 510 beds consisting of 375 ward beds, 10 triages, 125 ICU beds of which 25 are designated for pediatric ICU.

Drdo Hospital Srinagar News

“All beds are oxygen supported and the ICU has modern ventilators and all requisite infrastructures to manage critical COVID patients,” he said.It is an associated hospital of GMC Srinagar and is supported with three Departments to manage COVID-19 pandemic, which are Anesthesia and Critical Care, Medicine and Pediatrics.

Para said the hospital is supported by high end lab, CT scan, Digital X-ray to facilitate diagnostics adding it has contributed in managing referral patients from districts besides direct admissions.

He said till date, a total of 510 patients have been admitted to this hospital, out of which 433 have been discharged back to their homes in good health. “Till date 90 patients have been admitted to ICU. Hospital’s oxygen supply is ensured by 56 & 6 KL Liquid Medical Oxygen tanks and two PSA plants each of 1000lit/min capacity, besides the oxygen manifold,” the MS said.

As per the official figures, in November the hospital received the highest number of patients 165 out of which 126 were discharged while 13 deaths were reported in the same month.The DRDO presently is also used as a quarantine centre for international travelers who test positive on RTPCR, and are further screened for Omicron by genomic sequencing.

Para said the initiative to create a separate DRDO facility for COVID has helped districts to focus on routine health care, as the facility handles and manages any further spread and waves.

“Till date the labs have conducted over 8000 tests and 1000 x-rays. All patients are provided treatment free of cost, as the treatment is supported by government and DRDO authorities,” he said.

JKPSC Lecturer recruitment for various subjects in GMC Jammu/Srinagar

JKPSC Lecturer recruitment for various subjects in GMC Jammu/Srinagar 3

Filling up of vacant post of lecturers in Government Medical College Jammu/Srinagar and its Associated hospitals and Super specialty Hospital – Jammu/Srinagar.

JKPSC has invited applications through online mode from the domiciles of Jammu and Kashmir UT are various Gazetted posts.

Recruiting AgencyJKPSC
DepartmentGMC Srinagar/Jammu
Total No of Posts60
Name of the PostsLecturer
Dy. Medical Superintendent
Medical Record Officer
Application submission starts from20 December 2021
  • Starting date of Form Submission: 20 December 2021
  • Last Date of Form Submission: 19 January 2022

JKPSC lecturer recruitment Advertisement PDF

Age as on 1st January 2021

The requirement of age for candidates belonging to Open Merit and various reserved categories is as follows:-

Lecturer in GMC Srinagar/Jammu

  • OM: 40
  • In service candidate: 45

Lecturer in Super Specialty Hospital Jammu/Srinagar

  • All Categories: 50

JKSSB Preference link for Health and Medical Posts

JKSSB Preference link for Health and Medical Posts 4

Filling up of various posts of Health and Medical
Education Department advertised vide Advertisement
Notification No.02 of 2021 dated: 26-03-2021, seeking of
preferences regarding.

in order to fill up all the advertised vacancies, all such
candidates who are figuring in the consideration for various posts of Health and Medical
Education Department, advertised vide aforesaid Notification No.02 of 2021 dated: 26-
03-2021 are hereby informed to indicate the order of preference for various posts/items
through the link provided on the official website of the Board from
today i.e 17.11.2021 up to 25.11.2021.

JKSSB Health and Medical Education Preference Link


Candidate(s) who fails to indicate preference fully or partially,
will be deemed to have agreed to any allocation of Cadre (s), in respect of
such candidate(s), as shall be made by the Board.

Furthermore, the J&K Services Selection Board (JK SSB), conducted
Computer-Based Written Test (CBT) examination for 1202 posts of Health and Medical
Education Department, advertised vide aforesaid Notification No.02 of 2021 dated:
26-03-2021, in multi sessions/slots papers from 17.08.2021 to 25.08.2021

JKBOPEE BSc Nursing Result 2021 PDF | Cutoff, Merit List


JKBOPEE BSc Nursing, BSc Technology and BSc Paramedical courses Result are now available, the merit list is uploaded below.

Tentative Schedule of B.Sc. Nursing Courses – 2021

S. No.DescriptionDates & Links
1.Date of filling up of application forms1 May 2021
2.Last date of filling up of application forms30 May 2021
3.Downloading of Admit cardsDownload
4.Date of Examination19th of September 2021
5.Answer KeysDownload PDF
5.Declaration of ResultUploaded below in this post
8.Counseling Scheduleshall be notified separately
9.Completion of the Admission processshall be notified separately


Total No of Seats2051
Date of Resultcoming soon
BSc Nursing Seats1240

JKBOPEE BSc Courses and Total No of Seats

BSc CoursesTotal No of Seats
BSc Nursing1240
B.Sc. Medical Lab
Operation Theatre
Renal Dialysis
Anaesthesia, Critical
Care & Operation Theatre
Cardiac Care
Respiratory Care
B.Sc. Medical Technology20
Neuro- Sciences
Radiology & Imaging Tech.8
B.Sc. Physiotherapy20

Category-wise seats for BSc Nursing and Tech courses by BOPEE:

S. No.CategoriesReservation in %age
1.Open Merit (OM)50
2.Schedule Caste (SC)08
3.Scheduled Tribe (ST)10
5.ALC / IB04
8.EWS (Economically weaker section)10
9.Physically challenged persons4 (Horizontal)
Total100 %