GMC Srinagar Disengages 93 Paramedical Staff with Immediate Effect

In a significant development, the Government Medical College (GMC) in Srinagar has taken the decision to disengage 93 paramedical staff members who were serving on an academic arrangement basis. This move comes in response to the introduction of the J&K Medical & Dental Education (Appointment on Academic Arrangement Basis) Rules, 2009, which allowed the engagement of paramedical staff to address the shortage of technical personnel required for patient care and the smooth functioning of academic activities within the institution. However, considering the limitations imposed by the rules and the absence of any interim relief or direction from a court of law, the GMC Srinagar has made the decision to discontinue the services of these staff members with immediate effect.

The GMC Srinagar had been relying on the provision of engaging paramedical staff on an academic arrangement basis to bridge the gap in technical expertise required for patient care and to ensure the smooth conduct of academic activities. However, these engagements were always intended to be temporary, pending the fulfillment of regular recruitment procedures or promotions. The engagement of paramedical staff members was subject to their performance and conduct during the specified period.

Disengagement of Paramedical Staff

In light of the aforementioned rules, the GMC Srinagar has taken the decision to disengage 93 paramedical staff members who have completed the maximum tenure of six years on an academic arrangement basis and do not have any interim relief or direction from a court of law to continue their services in the institution. The decision, effective immediately, marks the end of their academic arrangement appointments and paves the way for the adjustment of newly selected candidates.

The disengagement of these paramedical staff members should be seen as a necessary step in line with the regulations and rules governing such appointments. The intent is to ensure that the recruitment process is conducted in a fair and transparent manner, allowing qualified individuals to take up these positions through regular selection or promotion procedures.

As the GMC Srinagar moves forward, it is anticipated that steps will be taken to address the ongoing shortage of technical staff, exploring options to recruit qualified individuals through regular selection procedures, and promoting professional growth and development within the institution.

GMC Srinagar Disengagement
GMC Srinagar Disengagement
GMC Srinagar Disengagement
GMC Srinagar Disengagement
GMC Srinagar Disengagement

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