Jammu-based Journalist Ashish Kohli faces backlash for sharing unverified news of grenade attack in Srinagar

Srinagar, Kashmir – The city was sent into a state of panic after unverified reports of a grenade attack on the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in the downtown area of Srinagar started circulating on social media platforms. However, it was soon clarified by the authorities that the reports were false, and the loud sound that was heard was actually due to a tyre burst of a BP vehicle in the vicinity.

The incident caused panic among the people, and security forces rushed to the spot to verify the situation. JK Police officials were quick to confirm that no such attack had taken place and urged people not to spread rumors.

Reporters were requested by the authorities to check the authenticity of their reports before publishing them to avoid creating panic and sensationalizing news. The police also warned that spreading unverified news could lead to legal consequences.

Unfortunately, a Jammu-based journalist, Ashish Kohli, shared the unverified news regarding the incident on the social media and YouTube platforms of JKMedia channels. This led to a lot of backlash from the people who accused him of spreading fake news and creating unnecessary panic.

The authorities have reminded the public that it is crucial to verify the news before sharing it on social media platforms, and spreading false news could have serious consequences.

The incident has once again highlighted the importance of responsible journalism and the need for the media to be extra cautious in reporting news from conflict zones. False reports and rumors can cause panic among the people and disrupt law and order.

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