J&K Government Lies in High Court over State Land Encroachment, Safia Abdullah Demands Accountability

SRINAGAR – In a shocking turn of events, the Jammu and Kashmir government has been accused of lying to the Jammu Kashmir High Court. The matter came to light when Safia Abdullah Khan, daughter of Farooq Abdullah, filed a writ petition regarding the issue of state land encroachment.

During the hearing, Khan’s lawyer was informed by the UT government that the writ petition had been filed on mere apprehension alone and that the list of state land encroachers was fake. However, the state’s argument was proven to be false when it was discovered that the same list was available on the Divisional Commissioner Kashmir’s official website.

Also Check | Srinagar District State Land Encroachers List, Download PDF

The revelation has raised serious concerns about the transparency and honesty of the LG Administartion. Many are questioning the motives behind the state’s attempts to cover up the issue of land encroachment. The fact that the government was willing to lie to the court, one of the most respected institutions in the country, has further eroded the trust of the people in the government.

The case has attracted widespread attention and has sparked debates about the need for stricter laws to prevent land encroachment. Many are calling for a thorough investigation into the matter and for the UT government to take responsibility for its actions.

In a statement to the press, Khan expressed her disappointment with the UT government’s actions and stated that she would continue to fight for the rights of the people. “The truth always comes out in the end, and this is just the beginning of the fight to restore justice and accountability in the state,” she said.

This incident has once again highlighted the importance of transparency and honesty in governance. The people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve a government that is accountable to them and is willing to work for their best interests. It is hoped that this case will serve as a wake-up call for the UT government and prompt them to take the necessary steps to restore the trust of the people.

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