Kashmiri girl returns Diamond ring worth 1.5Lac rupees to the Tourist

A few days while roaming in Pahalgam, a couple outside from J&K lost their Diamond ring worth 150000 Indian Rupees.

Meanwhile, a girl from the Baisaram area of Pahalgam found this ring, the girl belongs to a tribal family, she started search for its real owner.

Kashmiri girl returns Diamond ring worth 1.5Lac rupees to the Tourist 1
Kashmiri girl returns lost diamond ring of a tourist

At the same time the tourist couple had also started searching their precious diamond Ring 💍 .

And somehow both the parties met each other and the girl returned their ring after proper verification.

The couple shared this incident on their social media handle and thanked the girl, Kashmir is known for Kashmiriyat said the couple.

What is the Price of 1 Carat Diamond Ring?

How Much Does 1 Carat Diamond Cost? In general, a 1 carat diamond costs between 120000 and 1350000 Indian Rupees. The cost depends on factors such as the Cut quality, Clarity, Color and Shape of the diamond. Cut quality is the aspect that most greatly impacts a 1 carat diamond’s price and its beauty.

Costco Diamonds 💎

While Costco may seemingly be selling “high” quality diamonds with good color and decent clarity grades, I can’t say the same in terms of cut quality. When buying diamonds, CUT IS KING. Cut has the biggest impact on a diamond’s beauty and sadly, the cut standard at Costco is mediocre.

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