Technical Assistant/Technician Syllabus PDF – GMC Anantnag

Technical Assistant/Technician Syllabus PDF - GMC Anantnag

Technical Assistant/Technician Syllabus PDF – GMC Anantnag, the Syllabus for the Written test of Technical Assistant is now available, download the syllabus for GMC Anantnag examination and start your preparation

Body Structure and Function28 Marks
Basic Laboratory Techniques42 Marks
Basics of Patient Care & Health Assistance10 Marks
Clinical Duties23 Marks
Technical Duties / Administrative Duties17 Marks

GMC Anantnag Technical Assistant Written test Notification

Body Structure and Function

1.    Anatomy

  • Different Parts of the human body, Common Anatomical Terms, Anatomical Positions and
            important planes, Tissue of the body, classification and function.
  • Structure, function mechanism – Skeletal System, Gastro-Intestinal System, Genito-Urinary
            System, Respiratory System, Cardio-Vascular System, Nervous System, Loco-Motor System.

2.    Physiology

  • Blood- Composition and General function, Blood group, ABO and Rh, basis for classification,
  • Structure, function mechanism    – Cardo-vascular System, Respiratory System, Excretorybasis for determination, importance of Blood Groups.
  • System, Skin, Digestive System, Endocrine Glands, Reproductive System, Cerebrospinal fluid, Formation, composition and functions.

Basic Laboratory Techniques

1.    Laboratory Management & Ethics

  • Role of the  Laboratory in the  Health  Care  Delivery  System,  Types of  Diseases,  Process of Diagnosis, Laboratory at different levels, Duties, and responsibilities of Laboratory personnel. x    Laboratory  Service in the  Health care  Delivery  System in  India,  Voluntary  Health Organizations in India.
  • Laboratory Planning, Guiding Principles for planning Hospital laboratory Services, Laboratory Organization, Components, and functions of a laboratory.

2.    Cytology & Microbiology

  • Description of cytology in detail, Fixation used in cytology, Dry Fixation and Wet Fixation, Stains used in Cytology, BLF Cytology, Sex Chromatin staining in Cytology.
  • Microscope, Classification, and Morphology of Bacteria, Staining of Bacteria, Cultivation of Micro-Organisms,  Identification of  Bacteria,  Gram-Negative  Bacilli,  Gram-Positive Bacilli, Antibiotic Sensitivity test.

3.    Histo-Pathology

  • Sections of Pathology, Chemical used in Tissue Processing, Decalcification, Methods of Decalcification & Decalcification of Bones, Procedure of Embedding tissue in Paraffin Wax, Procedure of Paraffin Wax Tissue Block, Various Instruments used in Microtomy.
  • Tissue Processing in Histopathology, Automatic Tissue Processor and its uses in detail, Tissue Staining, Steps of Tissue Staining, Tissue Grossing.
  • Autopsy Technique, Assisting in Autopsy, Preservation of organs & Processing of Tissues. x    Waste disposal and safety in Laboratory

4.    Blood Banking

  • Types of Blood Banking, Process of Coagulation, Rh – Factor, Erythroblastosis Foetalis, MN – Group System.
  • Human Blood Group Antigens, their inheritance, and antibodies
  • ABO Blood Group System, Rh Blood Group System
  • Techniques of Grouping and Cross Matching
  • Blood Collection, Blood Transfusion, Coomb’s Test
  • Blood Donor/Receptor, Procedure of Blood Collection from a donor
  • Precautions to be taken before Blood Collection, Storage of Blood, Anticoagulants used is Blood banks

5.    Clinical Pathology

  • Collection of Blood, Composition of Blood, Types of Anti – Coagulant Tubes and their Uses, RBCs and various processes of counting, Erythropoiesis, Haemocytometer, and its uses, Types of WBC’s and process of counting, PBF (Peripheral Blood Film) its preparation, Staining.
  • Various Types of Romansky Stains and Uses, Leishman’s Stains, Platelet Count. Process of counting manually, Absolute Eosinophil count & its estimation, ESR and various methods of estimation, PCV, and its procedure for conducting.
  • Microscope, Parts, and Functions in Laboratory, Haemoglobin in detail, Centrifuge and its uses, Haemometer Set.

6.    Blood & Urine Examination

  • Urine, the composition of Urine in detail, Urine Examination under Microscope, Various methods of sampling Urine for conducting various examinations like albumin, Sugar, Acetone, Bile pigmentation, Bile Salt, Urobilinogen, Occult Blood, KFT, etc, Physical Examination – Colour, Reaction, Odour, Specific gravity Urinary Volume.
  • Composition of Blood, Blood and cerebrospinal Fluid functions of Blood & CSF, Complete blood count, Blood sugar test, Various methods of sampling blood for conducting various examinations.

Basics of Patient Care and Health Assistance

1.   Public Health &Hygiene

  • Concept of public health,  Various  Health  Committees,  Health, and  Family  Planning Organizations are set up at the National, State, District and Block, Levels.

2.   Home Nursing & Health Education

  • Introduction to Nurse, Sick Room, Bed Making, Patient’s Toilet, Diet, Medicines, Special Conditions & Treatments.
  • Care of the Aged and Long-term Patient, Care of the Mentally ill Healthy Patient, Nursing special Diseases.
  • Immunity & Infectious Diseases, Special Drugs-their Control & Administration, Shock and blood Transfusion, The Hospital Services, Childbirth, and its Management.
  • Principles, ethics, attributes of health educator, essential steps, and introduction to the main methods in health education. History development and growth of health education in India, Various methods of Health Education.

3.   Community Pharmacy and Management

  • Community Pharmacy Practice, Prescription, and prescription handling, Patient counseling, Communication skills, Medication Adherence, Health Screening Services, Over the Counter(OTC)  medications,  Responding to symptoms/minor ailments,  Community  Pharmacy Management.

Clinical Duties

1.    Sterilization & Disinfection

  • Physical, Chemical, and Mechanical Methods, Disposal of Contaminated Media, sterilization of syringes, glasswares, apparatus.

2.    Examination and Surgical Procedures

  • Procedures      –     urinalysis,   strep tests,   blood pressure checks,   weight checks, electrocardiograms, venipuncture, and injections. Pap smear, mammography, ECG, placing IV’s, educating patient about the procedure

3.    First Aid

  • Introduction and history of the Red Cross, Dressing and  Bandages,  Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, Different methods of artificial respiration, Transport of injured persons.
  • Procedures during common conditions – Fractures and Dislocation, Epilepsy and Hysteria, Poisons including food, Cramps, Frost – Bite, Bites and Stings, Snake Bite, Dog Bite, Unconsciousness, and Fainting.

4.    Pharmacotherapeutics

  • Drug therapy of various diseases, Medication counseling points, etiopathogenesis, disease management.
  • Pharmacological management of the diseases associated with cardiovascular  System, Respiratory  System,  Endocrine  System,  CNS,  GI  Disorders,  Hematological disorders, Infectious diseases, Musculoskeletal disorders, Dermatology, Disorders related to Women’s Health.

Technical Duties / Administrative Duties

1.   Surgical Instruments

x    Surgical Instruments – name & uses, Instruments for general surgery, Ophthalmic Surgery,
        Operations on the chest, Gynecological and Obstetric Operations, Orthopaedic Operations,
        Neuro-Surgical Operations, on the Vascular System, Trauma Surgery.

2.   Preparation of Instrument Trays

Major procedures tray, Basic / Minor procedures tray, Thyroid tray, Long instruments tray, Genitourinary trays, Thoracic trays, Cardiovascular trays, Orthopaedic trays, neurologic procedure trays, ENT trays, Ophthalmic trays, Pediatric trays,

3.   Protection of patients in surgery

Preparation of the patient for operation, Pre and Post-operative patient care, Psychological support of the surgical patient. x    Admission   Procedure,   Transfer   Procedure,   Environmental   Controls,   Electrosurgery, Operative Records, Counting Procedure, Emergencies, and Disasters

4.   Safety measures in Operation theatre

  • Body mechanic, Fatigue factors, Safety measures – Radiation safety, Infection control, Chemical hazards, Chemotherapy
  • Waste disposal and safety in the operation theatre.

5.   Record Keeping

  • Introduction to store records, Clerical procedure, Inward section Records and procedures in main stores, classification, and codifications, keeping of stocks books, preparation of indent, and methods of storing drugs.
  • Different types of health care information systems, Electronic medical records, Electronic health records, filling patients’ medical records, filling insurance forms, arranging for hospital admission/ laboratory services, scheduling appointments, bill handling.

GMC Anantnag Recruitment 2022 | Apply For Various Posts

GMC Anantnag Recruitment

GMC Anantnag Recruitment:  Applications on the prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates (in- Service/Non-PSC doctors) for the tenure posts of Senior Residents on an Academic Arrangement basis under S.O.-364 of 2020 dated 27.11.2020 in the following disciplines initially for a period of one year extendable up to a maximum of 03 years, subject to good work and conduct of the candidate, during their 1st and 2nd years of engagement which will be certified by the concerned Head of departments.

Name of Discipline

  • Physiology
  • Pathology
  • Anatomy
  • Bio Chemistry
  • Ophthalmology
  • Radiotherapy


MS/MD/DNB/Diploma in the concerned discipline from a recognized University/Institution and registered with J&K State Medical Council.

How to apply:

Candidates interested in applying for the said posts at Government Medical College, Anantnag can download the application form from or can obtain the application form for these posts from Main Campus Dialgam Anantnag during working hours and can submit the application form in the office of Registrar Academics, GMC Anantnag by or before 22.09.2022.

Application Fee:

The application forms complete in all respects should be accompanied by a non-refundable bank draft for Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) pledged to Principal Govt. Medical College, Anantnag, and payable at collection counter Anantnag.

Preference: Preference will be given to higher qualifications.

Address: (Main Campus Dialgam, Anantnag)

GMC Anantnag Recruitment Technical Assistant Written-test notice

GMC Anantnag Recruitment

It is hereby notified for information of eligible candidates who have applied online for the
posts of Technical Assistant/Technicians on Academic Arrangement Basis under
S.O.364, dated 27.11.2020 vide advertisement No. 07 GMCA of 2021 dated 10.04.2021 in
Govt. medical College Anantnag, that the Written test is scheduled to be held on 22.10.2021
(Friday) at Govt. Degree College (Women) Anantnag, as per the following breakup

Terms and Conditions to be followed

The list of eligible candidates is available here


  1. The list of eligible candidates is provisional and has been devised on the basis of
    information provided by the candidates in application forms.
  2. The candidates are informed to download the acknowledgement slips available on College
    Website from 12.10.2021 onwards for their use.
  3. The candidates are mandated to strictly follow S.O.Ps on account of COVID-19 inside the
    premises of the Govt. Degree College (Women) Anantnag and in the examination hall like
    wearing of face masks, using of hand sanitizers and maintaining of social distance etc,
    throughout the course of examination.
  4. The candidates are mandated to report examination centre one hour before the scheduled
    time along with acknowledgement slips.

GMC Anantnag Recruitment 2021 | Apply now

GMC Anantnag Recruitment

GMC Anantnag Recruitment | Online Application forms are invited from the eligible
candidates of UT of J&K for engagement on Academic Arrangement
Basis against the posts of Technician/Technical Assistants.

Name of PostNumber of PostsEligibilitySelection Criteria
Technician/ Technical Assistants 1210+2 with Science or above qualification with a diploma in Medical Lab. Technology from a recognized institute in the relevant line.
Or Medical Assistant Course from any recognized University/SMF
Based on performance in written  test.

initially for a period of one year
extendable up to a maximum of six years (one year at a time and
subject to good performance and conduct) or till the selection is
made in accordance with the rules of recruitment, governing the
respective posts.

Important Note:

  • The candidate must be domicile of J&K UT.
  • The Academic Arrangement shall cease on the date of appointment of regular candidates to be made competent authority.
  • The selected candidate shall have to submit an affidavit to the effect that he/she shall not claim for any regular appointment/ extension in the department.
  • The posts are contractual and do not confer any right for the selected candidates to the permanent absorption in the department.
  • The selection of candidate for each post shall be as per the criteria notified in this advertisement

Instructions for submitting online applications

  1. Interested candidates can apply online at the link 10 days from the publication of this Advertisement.
  2. Click Recruitment from the menubar,                           
  3. Fill in your personal, address, experience, and qualification details carefully.

Documents to be uploaded with the application form

  • Essential qualification certificate.
  • Marks Certificate of Essential qualification.
  • D.O.B Certificate.
  • Domicile Certificate.
  • Matric Marks Sheet.
  • 10+2 (Marks Sheet).
  • Registration Certificate


Candidates should not submit the print-out of the application to GMC at this stage. However, candidates shall submit the downloaded print-out of the application form alongwith attested copies of requisite documents as and when GMC may call for submission of documents.

Official NotificationClick here
Apply nowClick here

GMC Anantnag Recruitment