CEC Feroz Khan chairs review meeting to discuss developmental activities of Kargil town

KARGIL: Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmed Khan today chaired a review meeting at Council Secretariat with the concerned officers in order to discuss various developmental activities of Kargil town.

Councilor Town Haji Abass, Executive Engineer PHE, I&FC, R&B, CMO Kargil, BMO, CEO Kargil, Engineers of PDD mechanical department besides other concerned officers were present during the meeting.

Threadbare discussion and deliberation were held on the various aspects and progress achieved by various departments in Kargil town.

CMO Kargil informed the meeting that besides shifting of Kargil hospital to newly constructed 300 bedded hospital at Kurbathang the old hospital will remain functional for the basic necessary medical help which mainly includes functional emergency section, labour room, casualty, CT scan etc.

The CMO also informed that doctors will be available at the hospital during the day time from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. along with the availability of two ambulances for emergency.

The concerned officer from PDD informed the meeting that Gupta agency has installed total 112 DTRs in the town area and 40 DTRs are still pending to be installed.

The CEC directed the concern officers of the Gupta agency to increase the manpower for the installation of reaming DTRs and complete other remaining works in order to provide uninterrupted electricity supply in the town during the winter season. Khan also set 15 November as the deadline to complete all the pending works in the town area.

The concerned officer from PHE Department informed the meeting that various projects are going in full swing in town area. The concerned officer flagged off an immediate need to install hand pump at various public sites near taxi and bus stand. The CEC directed the officer to submit the proposal for further approval.

Similarly, the concerned officer from R&B Department informed that various developmental works including remolding of Koul at Abagrong, protection bund at Adul Gound, remodeling of tank Goma Kargil public library at Drethang and various other works are at the developmental stage.

Khan also directed the concerned officers to complete the reaming works as soon as possible and book the maximum expenditure of the current financial season. He also said that the one-month time period is enough to complete the pending works which should be achieved without any further delay.

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