Government Orders Fact Finding Committee to Investigate Irregularities in Jail Fencing Project

Jammu & Kashmir, January 17, 2024: In a significant move, the Government of Jammu & Kashmir has issued Government Order No.:185-JK(GAD) of 2024 on January 17, 2024, sanctioning the constitution of a Fact Finding Committee. The committee is tasked with investigating alleged irregularities during the execution of the project titled “Supply and Installation of Power Fencing System across 10 Jails of Union territory of Jammu & Kashmir.”

The committee comprises three key members, with the Commissioner/Secretary to the Government from the General Administration Department serving as the Convenor. The other members include the Director General of Prisons, J&K, and the FA/CAO from the Home Department.

The Terms of Reference for the committee are outlined as follows:

  1. The committee shall thoroughly examine all aspects of the case, including scrutinizing the actions taken by the officers/officials of the Prisons Department at the time of issuing the Supply Order.
  2. The investigation will also focus on the process followed during the allotment of the CMC/AMC Contract, with specific attention to whether the terms and conditions of the tender for the project were adhered to.

To ensure accountability, the committee has been mandated to fix responsibility for any acts of omission and commission on the part of the officers/officials of the Prisons Organization. The committee is expected to submit its comprehensive report to the Government along with recommendations within a stipulated period of 30 days.

The Government’s decision to launch this fact-finding committee underscores its commitment to transparency, accountability, and the fair execution of projects. This move aims to address any potential irregularities and ensure that such issues are promptly identified, investigated, and rectified.

This Government Order has been issued by the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu & Kashmir, reflecting a proactive approach to maintaining integrity and efficiency in the administration. The public awaits the findings of the Fact Finding Committee and the subsequent actions that may be taken based on its recommendations.