Govt transfers CEO Kargil to UT of Jammu and Kashmir

Repatriation of Mr. Nazir Ahmad Wani, Chief Education Officer, Kargil to UT of Jammu and Kashmir.

Reference: Letter No: LA/GAD(Deput)UTL/2019(01) dated 12.01.2021,
received from General Administration Department, UT of Ladakh.

Government Order No:101-JK(GAD) of 2022
Dated :31.01.2022

In the interest of administration, Mr. Nazir Ahmad Wani, Chief Education Officer, Kargil, is hereby repatriated to Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir with the directions to report in School Education Department, J&K, for further posting, after proper relieving by a competent authority in the Union territory of Ladakh.

By Order of the Lieutenant Governor.

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