Arrested clerics kept instigating youth despite multiple warnings: Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar IPS

Srinagar: Clerics arrested under the stringent Public Safety Act (PSA) kept instigating the youth despite several warnings, Kashmir Additional Director General of Police Vijay Kumar said on Sunday.

“We had ample evidence and that is why we had called them several times and tried to convince them not to instigate the youth, the people. When they did not stop, they were booked under the PSA,” Kumar told reporters in north Kashmir’s Baramulla district.

In the last few days, about half a dozen people, including clerics, have been booked and arrested here under PSA, which the ADGP termed the last resort for the police.

He said the evidence against them can be shared with the media “if need be”.

Asked if there were more clerics on the radar, the officer said the police have evidence against others and will act accordingly.

“We have several instruments other than the PSA. We call them up (clerics) and try to make them understand. If they do not understand, then we act… PSA is the last resort,” he said.

Kumar also claimed there are reports against the banned Jamat-e-Islami (JeI) that it is carrying out activities secretly.

“Maintenance of law and order is not just the responsibility of the police, but everyone, be it civilians, forces or the media. This year, law and order was maintained very well, tourists came, the internet wasn’t shut down, the markets, schools and colleges were not shut. Who benefited from it? It is the society that benefits. We have to maintain this atmosphere,” he said.

Kashmiri religious preachers booked under PSA were instigating youth says ADGP Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar IPS

Kashmir: Additional Deputy General of Police (ADGP) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar on Saturday said that religious preachers booked under PSA were instigating youth despite being warned several times.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of a cricket tournament at Baramulla, Kumar, said that they had warned these people many times, but they didn’t budge.

“There are reports that some of the clerics are doing the same practice but soon after getting the proper evidence, they too will be booked,” he said.

He added that they have other legal options to curb them, while some are being sensitised and let go, however, Public Safety Act (PSA) is the last option when someone continues to indulge in wrong practice.

“Maintaining law and order situation is not the duty of Police only but people too can play an important role in maintaining a peaceful atmosphere,” Kumar said.

He also said that over the few years situation remained calm, while tourists also visited the valley in good number and internet services were also not snapped. “Calm situation benefits all and this have been proven over the past few years,” he said.

Notably, over the last few days several religious clerics were arrested and few of them were booked under PSA in the Kashmir Valley.

China blocks proposal by US and India to blacklist Pak-based 26/11 LeT handler

China blocks proposal by US and India to blacklist Pak-based 26/11 LeT handler 1

United Nations: China has blocked a proposal by the US and India at the United Nations to blacklist top Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant Sajid Mir, one of India’s most wanted terrorists and the main handler of the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks, in the third such move by Beijing within four months.

It is learnt that Beijing put a hold on Thursday on the proposal moved by the US and co-designated by India to blacklist Mir under the 1267 Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council as a global terrorist and subject him to assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo.

Mir is one of India’s most wanted terrorists and has a bounty of USD 5 million placed on his head by the US for his role in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks carried out by Pakistan-based LeT terrorists.

In June this year, he was jailed for over 15 years in a terror-financing case by an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan, which is struggling to exit the grey list of the Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF).
Pakistani authorities had in the past claimed Mir had died, but Western countries remained unconvinced and demanded proof of his death. This issue became a major sticking point in FATF’s assessment of Pakistan’s progress on the action plan late last year.

Mir is a senior member of the Pakistan-based LeT and is wanted for his involvement in the November 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

“Mir was LeT’s operations manager for the attacks, playing a leading role in their planning, preparation and execution,” the US State Department has said.

Last month, China had put a hold on a proposal by the US and India at the United Nations to blacklist Abdul Rauf Azhar, the brother of Jaish-e Mohammed (JEM) chief Masood Azhar and a senior leader of the Pakistan-based terror organisation. Abdul Rauf Azhar, born in 1974 in Pakistan, was sanctioned by the US in December 2010.

Beijing, an all-weather friend of Islamabad, has repeatedly put holds on listings to blacklist Pakistan-based terrorists under the sanctions committee of the UN Security Council.
In June this year, China had put a hold, at the last moment, on a joint proposal by India and the US to list Pakistan-based terrorist Abdul Rehman Makki under the 1267 Al-Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council.

Makki is a US-designated terrorist and brother-in-law of Lashkar-e-Taiba head and 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed. New Delhi and Washington had put a joint proposal to designate Makki as a global terrorist under the 1267 ISIL and Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council but Beijing placed a hold on this proposal at the last minute.

The US State Department had said that Mir has been a senior member of LeT since approximately 2001.
From 2006 to 2011, Mir was in charge of LeT’s external operations and planned and directed various terrorist attacks on behalf of the group. Additionally, Mir allegedly conspired to commit a terrorist attack against a newspaper and its employees in Denmark between 2008 and 2009. For his role in the Mumbai attacks, Mir was indicted in the United States in April 2011.

In August 2012, the US Department of the Treasury designated Mir as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist. As a result of this designation, among other consequences, all property and interests in the property of Mir that are subject to US jurisdiction are blocked, and US persons are generally prohibited from engaging in any transactions with Mir.

“Mir is on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists List. He is believed to reside in Pakistan,” according to information on the State Department website.

India, China expressing concern about Ukraine war reflective of global worries, says Blinken

Narendra Modi

Washington: Indian and Chinese leaders expressing their concerns to the Russian President over the Ukraine war is reflective of the global worries about the effects of Moscow’s aggression against the interests of people across the planet, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday on the sidelines of the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Uzbekistan pressed him to end the conflict in Ukraine soon, saying “today’s era is not of war”.

It was the first in-person meeting between the two leaders after the Ukraine conflict began in February.
Modi also underlined the importance of “democracy, dialogue and diplomacy” while calling for an early cessation of hostilities in Ukraine.

The Ukraine issue was also figured out during Putin’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Putin has told Xi Jinping that he understands China’s questions and concerns about the war in Ukraine.

“What you’re hearing from China, from India, is reflective of concerns around the world about the effects of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine not just on the people of Ukraine, devastating as that’s been, but on countries and people across the entire planet, Blinken told reporters on Friday at a joint media availability with the Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

“It’s an aggression not just against Ukraine and its people, it’s an aggression against the very principles of international relations that help keep peace and security, he said.
Blinken was responding to a question on leaders of China and India expressing their concern about the war in Ukraine directly to Vladimir Putin.

Do you see this as a significant shift for Russia on the international stage? he was asked.
Blinken argued that the United Nations Charter should be front and centre.

number one violator of the charter right now is Russia. So there are real concerns that, I think, are being heard from countries around the world about that, and, of course, all of the impacts that this is having, including, for example, on food insecurity, he said.

spent a lot of time and a lot of focus in recent months in trying to address the challenges to food security that have been exacerbated dramatically by Russia’s aggression. We already had Covid, we already had climate change that was having profound effects on food insecurity. Add to that conflict, we now have well over 200 million people who are severely food insecure, Blinken said.

“This is something that leaders in countries around the world are feeling because their people are feeling it. And so I think what you’re seeing is just a manifestation of the fact that this aggression has been an aggression against the interests of people across the planet, and I think it increases the pressure on Russia to end the aggression, Blinken said.

Meanwhile, the mainstream American media on Friday also praised Prime Minister Modi for telling Russian President Putin that this is not the time for war in Ukraine.
Modi-Putin conversation in the Uzbek city of Samarkand was widely carried by the mainstream American media.

Today the biggest worry before the world, especially developing countries, is food security, fuel security, fertilisers. We must find ways on these problems and you will also have to consider it. We will get an opportunity to talk about these issues,” Modi said in his opening remarks.

“I know today’s era is not of war. We discussed this issue with you on phone several times, that democracy, diplomacy and dialogue touch the entire world. We will have the opportunity to talk today about how we can move forward on the road of peace in the coming days,” Modi said.

In a statement, the Ministry of External Affairs said the prime minister reiterated his call for an early cessation of hostilities and the need for dialogue and diplomacy in the context of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

“Modi rebukes Putin over war in Ukraine, The Washington Post reported in a headline. In a stunning public rebuke, Modi told Putin: Today’s era is not an era of war, and I have spoken to you on the phone about this,” the daily reported.

“The rare reproach showed the 69-year-old Russian strongman coming under extraordinary pressure from all sides, the Post said.

On his part, Putin told Modi that he was aware of India’s concerns over the Ukraine conflict and that Russia will do everything possible to end it as soon as possible.

“I know about your position on the conflict in Ukraine. I know about your concerns. I know that you share these concerns and we all want an end to all of these as soon as possible,” Putin said in his televised opening remarks at the meeting.

The Russian President said Ukraine has refused to engage in the negotiation process and it wants to achieve its “objectives on the battlefield militarily.”

“We will keep you abreast of everything that is happening over there,” Putin conveyed to Modi. —PTI
The meeting between Modi and Putin was the lead story on the webpage of both The Washington Post and The New York Times.

“India’s Leader Tells Putin That Now Is Not an Era for War, The New York Times said in its headline.
The tone of the meeting was friendly, with both leaders referring to their long shared history. Before Mr Modi made his comments, Mr Putin said he understood India’s concerns about the war in Ukraine, the daily said.

“Mr. Modi’s comments came a day after President Xi Jinping of China — in his first face-to-face meeting with Mr Putin since the invasion began — struck a far more subdued tone than the Russian president, and steered clear in his public comments of any mention of Ukraine, reported the New York Times.

Dulloo chairs meeting to discuss implementation of A-Help in JK

Dulloo chairs meeting to discuss implementation of A-Help in JK 2

SRINAGAR: Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Agriculture Production Department (APD), Atal Dulloo today chaired a meeting at Civil Secretariat here to devise a roadmap for implementing A-Help Program (Accredited Agent for Health and Extension of Livestock Production) in Jammu and Kashmir.

The meeting was attended by Secretary in Agriculture Production Department, Representative of Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Gol, Representative of Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Rural Development, GoI, Director Sheep Husbandry Kashmir/Jammu, Special Secretary Agriculture Production Department, Managing Director JK Rural Livelihood Mission, Director Animal Husbandry Kashmir/Jammu, Director Finance Agriculture Production Department, Deputy Director Planning Agriculture Production Department, Technical Officer of Agriculture Production Department and other officers. Jammu based officers attended the meeting through Video Conferencing.

While chairing the meeting, Atal Dullo highlighted that the dovetailing and synergizing efforts of the Department of Animal husbandry & Dairying (DAHD) & Department of Rural Development (DoRD) especially in the context of the common objective of helping the farmers will go a long way in helping the farmers double their income. He directed the concerned officers to work in a coordinated manner so that a well defined road map is prepared for successful implementation of A-Help in J&K.

Atal Dulloo said that the success of A-HELP scheme will depend on how well the scheme is implemented and monitored and said therefore, a well defined and yet flexible and participatory institutional structures will be put in place at all levels.

A-HELP is being implemented across the country by using the existing cadre developed under DAY-NRLM for livestock (Pashusakhis) by providing further training and accreditation as A-HELP worker and will be inaugurated in J&K in the month of October.

A-HELP worker will be the first port of call for any health-related demands of livestock population in a village, especially those who find it difficult to access the veterinary health services.

A detailed presentation was also given out on the occasion and was given out that A-HELP will help the farmers for Ration Balancing programme and also support animal owners in conservation of feed, Vaccination, ear-tagging and Artificial Insemination for the animals after training and information on calf birth, details of Al etc

A-HELP can also act as enumerator, in case of sample surveys and other census activities and will serve as a last mile extension worker providing 24*7 services at the doorstep of farmers and act as a connecting link with State AHD.

Regarding the capacity building of A-HELP it was given out in the meeting that the existing training system of NRLM or the Department may be utilized. Post selection, the A-HELP will be provided additional training in Artificial Insemination, vaccination, ear tagging etc. as per the need by DAHD.
It was also given out in the meeting that A-HELP worker will also be provided skill enhancement training from time to time or as per requirement.

Low-intensity blast outside DDC member’s house in Poonch

Kashmir News

Jammu: A low-intensity blast occurred outside the house of a District Development Council member in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district, officials said on Friday.

No one was injured in the blast that occurred late on Thursday night, they said. A mysterious blast occurred outside the house of DDC member Sohail Malik in Fazlabad village of  Surankote tehsil.

Malik’s SUV, which was parked on the road, was damaged in the blast, the officials said.
Police and Army personnel rushed to the spot soon after the blast and an investigation into the incident is underway, they said.

50 year old Pedestrian killed in Kulgam road accident


Kulgam,: A 50-year-old pedestrian was killed after he was hit by an unknown vehicle in Qaimoh area of South Kashmir’s Kulgam district on Saturday.

An official said that a vehicle hit one pedestrian identified as Ajaz Ahmad Malla (50) of Turak Tachloo on Srinagar-Jammu national highway near his native village.

He said that he died on the spot and the body was later brought to Qaimoh hospital.

Meanwhile, Police have taken cognizance of the incident.

JKBOPEE B Arch Admission 2022: Application, Eligibility, Dates


JKBOPEE invites Applications from eligible candidates belonging to Union Territories of J&K / Ladakh, for admission to B.Arch. Courses at GCET, Jammu(School of Architecture, GCET Campus Kot bhalwal) & GCET Safapora, Ganderbal (School of Architecture Safapora, Ganderbal) for the academic session 2022. The selection of the candidates shall be governed by the J&K Board of Professional Entrance Examination Act, 2002 and the Rules and Regulations there under, JK Reservation Act, 2004 as amended vide J&K Reorganization Act, 2019, S.O 127 dated 20- 04-2020, and subject to further amendments, if any, by the Competent Authority, issued from time to time.


Candidate applying for above course shall be eligible, if he/she:

  1. has passed in 10 +2 examination with PCM subjects or
  2. has passed 10+3 Diploma with Mathematics as compulsory subject.
  3. In addition to the above, the candidates needs to qualify an aptitude test in architecture conducted either by NTA (i.e JEE) or “NATA” conducted by Council of Architecture”.

Also Check: JKBOPEE B. Pharmacy Selection cum Merit List 2022

Submission of Application Forms:

The interested candidates have to submit Registration Cum Counselling offline Form alongwith the following self-attested certificates w.e.f. 19-09-2022 to 06-10-2022 (during working days). The application Form shall be available at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar and also annexed as Annexure “A” to this Notification:-

  • Domicile of UT of J&K/UT of Ladakh as the case may be (Domicile Certificate , if not issued , at the time of submission of Application Form), the candidate can submit an undertaking certifying that he /she shall submit /produce the same at the time of counselling). For Candidates of UT of Ladakh, ST certificate issued by the competent Authority of Ladakh shall be treated as Domicile Certificate.
  • Qualifying marks (12th class) certificate/10+3 Diploma with Mathematics as compulsory subject; (whichever is applicable).
  • Score card of NATA 2022 or JEE 2022 or both, as the case may be.
  • Date of Birth (10th Marks card/Diploma issued by the Board)
  • Valid Reserved category certificate, if any
  • Fee of Rs 1200/= to be paid either through POS machine available at BOPEE office Jammu/Srinagar by debit/credit card.

However, it is for the information of all concerned that afore-titled documents as required for submission of application form shall be considered provisional and subject to change(s) vide any order as may be issued by the Government subsequently.

  1. The eligibility is bare minimum/provisional and shall be subject to such changes/bench marks as may be fixed by the concerned University/Authority. The Board shall on receipt of any such communication from the concerned authority/University notify the same, which shall govern the eligibility criteria.
  2. The seats in the above institutions shall be filled only, if Board receives approval of such courses/intake from concerned Competent Authority.


  1. No under process certificate will be accepted;
  2. Original Documents as mentioned above required to be submitted in the concerned Institution at the time of Admission.

Mode of selection/Admission:

There are tentatively 80 seats (40 seats at GCET, Jammu & 40 seats at GCET Safapora, Ganderbal, Kashmir). The Board has decided to fill up these seats on the basis of Merit cum Preference as filled in by the candidates in the registration cum counselling form.

In case two or more candidates having same score in NATA or JEE-Arch , then their tie shall be resolved by considering Mathematics Marks scored in 12th class examination & in case of further tie, the D.O.B of candidate shall be taken into account for selection.


  1. Mere filling of application form shall not confer any right to the candidate(s) for admission.
  2. The Board has right to select /reject any application form at any stage if found false without issuing any notice to the candidate

J&K today records 23 covid-19 cases, no deaths

J&K today records 23 covid-19 cases, no deaths 3

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir reported 23 fresh covid-19 cases while there was no death due to the virus during the last 24 hours, officials said on Friday.

They said that seven cases were reported from Jammu division and 16 from Kashmir Valley, taking the overall tally to 478894. Among the cases, 173907 are from Jammu division and 304987 from Kashmir Valley.

Providing district wise details of the cases, they said, Jammu reported 6 cases, Udhampur 0, Rajouri 0, Doda 1, Kathua 0, Samba 0, Kishtwar 0, Poonch 0, Ramban 0, Reasi 0, Srinagar 5, Baramulla 2, Budgam 6, Pulwama 0, Kupwara 1, Anantnag 1, Bandipora 0, Ganderbal 0, Kulgam 1 and Shopian 0.

There was no death due to the virus during the time. So far 4784 people have succumbed to the virus and among them include 2351 from Jammu division and 2433 from the Valley.

Besides, they said, 43 Covid-19 patients recovered during the last 24 hours—9 from Jammu division and 34 from Kashmir Valley. There are now 249 active cases— 112 in Jammu and 137 in Kashmir.

The officials said there was no new confirmed case of mucormycosis (black fungus) reported today. So far 51 black fungus cases have been confirmed in J&K, the officials said. Also 14045 doses of covid vaccine were administered in the last 24 hours, they added.

Active Covid-19 cases in country rise to 46,748

Active Covid-19 cases in country rise to 46,748 4

New Delhi: India added 6,298 new coronavirus infections taking the total tally of COVID-19 cases to 4,45,22,777, while the active cases climbed 46,748, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Friday.

The death toll climbed to 5,28,273 with 23 fatalities which includes four deaths reconciled by Kerala, the data updated at 8 am stated.

The active cases comprise 2.04 per cent of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate increased to 98.71 per cent, the ministry said.

An increase of 359 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours.

The daily positivity rate was recorded at 1.89 per cent and the weekly positivity rate at 1.70 per cent, according to the ministry.

The number of people who have recuperated from the disease surged to 4,39,47,756, while the case fatality rate was recorded at 1.19 per cent.

According to the ministry, 216.17 crore doses of Covid vaccine have been administered in the country so far under the nationwide vaccination drive.

India’s COVID-19 tally had crossed the 20-lakh mark on August 7, 2020, 30 lakh on August 23, 40 lakh on September 5 and 50 lakh on September 16. It went past 60 lakh on September 28, 70 lakh on October 11, crossed 80 lakh on October 29, 90 lakh on November 20 and surpassed the one-crore mark on December 19.

The country crossed the grim milestone of two crore on May 4 and three crore on June 23 last year. It crossed the four-crore mark on January 25 this year.

The 19 new deaths recorded in the last 24 hours include seven from Maharashtra and three from Delhi.